The most important thing you can do is buy quality components. It is all very well being given a long warranty, but if the company you buy from is no longer in business, you can’t go back to them.
If the retailer you buy from is no longer around, you can generally go back to the manufacturer for help, but again, only if they are still in business in Australia. We talk to people every day who are left with no warranty at all, from anyone.
don’t buy cheap
As with most things in life, you get what you pay for. If you buy a cheap solar system you will have problems down the track, unless you are very lucky indeed. Not only will cheap components be used, but the installers will not be paid well, so they have to work fast. Not a great combination, and one we see all the time.
As the saying goes ‘poor man pays twice’
How Do You Know Who To Buy From?
This can be tricky, as salesmen can do a great job of convincing you they have the best, and you don’t need to pay more.
These are my rules for choosing:
Get 3 quotes
Never sign on the day (the deals will always be there)